HAHAHAHAH ini blog ud lamaaaa bgttt. gw masi taro dlm bentuk draft tp br gw edit2 n post skrg :p
lg capek mikir so blognya pake bhs indo aj yg skrg haha.
so qta mulai dgn hari jumat. gokil hari jumat itu pas lg owl city konser d neumo's. gw sm jenna datengin aj iseng meskpun ga ad tiket. sold out men! behh parah ga tu.
trs lbh parahnya lg pas qta dateng tu lg ujan trs g ad calo sm skali. ga kyk pas arctic monkeys dulu yg ad calo d dpn2nya behh ya uda deh. pintu d dpn venuenya d buka gt, trs ya ud gw sm jenna ntnin dr situ aj haha. qta k tully's btr buat mengeringkan diri trs ngupi2 sbtr. abs itu jem 10an kurang qta balik lg. pas qta balik pas owl city lg maen. trs ad bbrp org yg berdiri d dpn pintu gt (soalnya pintunya pas d dpn panggungnya gt haha) ya ud gw sm jenna ntnin dr situ aj. lagu trkhrnya hello seattle, trs bis tu mreka encore nyanyiin fireflies bedehhhh. lgs gw record dah itu hahaha.,
stelah slese qta ga lgs balik. biasa pgn foto sm c adam young ;)
ya uda qta nunggu trs smbl nunggu qta foto2 sm bbrp org yg d duga jg pengisi acara gr2 byk yg foto sm dy hahahaha gokil sih pdhal qta ga ntn acaranya haha.
trs stelah menunggu bbrp menit, c adam young kluar tp dy blg dy lg capek ato lg sakit ato ap gt jd ga bs lama2 dll tp gw sm jenna ttp gencar minta foto sm dy hahhaa.
stelah dpt, qta langsung caaabuttt hahha seneng abs ta berdua pas it hahaha. trs bis tu nunggu bus, mana nunggu busnya jg lama pula behh. trs ad org2 yg kyk iseng ngajakin ngobrol2 gt hadoooh malay ajee.
intinya stlh qta nungguin bus yg buat k donton lama, qta k tunnel buat balik enn nungguu lg busnya lama. capek gila qta br nyampe rmh jem 2an. jenna lgs tepar, gw masi upload2 ap yg bs d upload hahahah.
keesokan harinya, bangun jem 3an sore. online tiba2 si kumpeni manggil dr fb chat. intinya dy nanya gw masi mo k konser say anything ga tar mlm soalna si recha sakit jd ga jd pegi smntr dy ga mo pegi sndiri.
y ud lah gw pegi, stgh 6 naek bus dr rmh, mana situasi d busnya kacau bnr lg. sopirnya kyk ga bener gt. ud suka marah2 sndiri, negur2 org, sm ad org mo kluar tp ga d bukain pintunya alhasil tmbh ngebacot dah. gw sm kumpeni ud yg SWT abis hahah.
malem itu keseluruhannya seru sih meskipun gw ga tau ap2 dr smua band yg mulai. si kumpeni enak bgt lg bs masuk gratis gr2 org d dpn dy pas antrian tu masuk k guestlist trs dy ngasi guestlist k kumpeni gr2 tmn2nya ga ad yg dtg. ehh gw ga dapet jadinya gw bayar deh. tp bis tu kumpeni yg byr buat taxi balik sih hahahah.
gila jujur pas gw ntn sm dy gw deg2an mulu hahaha secara dy tinggi bgt trs kan qta berdiri nempel. iya sih gw smpt ad demen2 gt sm dy trs ud ga lg tp gr2 it jd demen lg dah hahaha. orgnya ganteng sih :p trs pas ngejar bus qta yg ujan2an lari2 gt hahaha india abs.
pokokna bis tu gw jem 2 pagi lg nyampe rmh bnr2 dahhhh hahaha. gr2 it gw jd demen sm dy, semingguan smsan mulu tp stlh it gw ud ga lg,. ud bodo amatin soalna gw takut dy kyk ngerasa awkward tar.
nah that's all for today's post kyknya.
oh sabtu 31 oct lalu qta (gw, echa, ninda, mbe) ngantri jem 7 pagi k southcenter buat ktemu yg cast new moon it. blm ktemu sih, br ngantri beli kaosnya bis tu tar dpt wristbandnya buat masuk k acr signingnya. nah qta kan ud dpn jd kamis dpn gt qta balik lg k southcenter buat ktemu artis pendukungnya. nothing big sih soalna yg utama2nya ga dtg, yg jd vampiresnya tu yg dtg 2 org. behhh.
oh pas gw ultah jg gw d kerjain 2 kali behh. pertama pas malem mo ultah, gw d paksa2 echa buat nemenin k rmh cyn ngambil brg, ternyt pas nyampe gw d bejek2 kue,. trs yg kedua pas CG keesokan harinya. abs tiup lilin dll gw d paxa ddk trs muka d coret2 pk eyeliner. behhhh bener2222.
oh trs minggu dpn nehhh, mule dehhh minggu2 konser. slasa ad this providence, jumat ad the used, besoknya ad all time low, minggunya ad brokencyde. trs slasa ad attack2 sm rabu dpnna lg ad stereo skyline ahhahaha seruuuuuu ;p
duit abis dah nih tp ya biar lahhhh :p
Monday, October 19, 2009
the forgotten post
Posted by celboncel at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
pretty pissed, pretty sad, pretty excited, pretty please?
nothin much going on. me n echa were at the library. sort of killing time until she went home n my next class. i opened the atl hustler club website n echa told me to check on the names for the seattle date. i didnt want to cuz theres nothing new on the news. but i checked it anyways, n the names r posted already!
excited, i looked over for my name n it was posted on the early entry side. on the very bottom part. wow. i was the last person that was listed on the list.
that was close. at first i felt pretty bumped for not getting the m&g pass cuz ive been getting told by other hustlers that i would get in cuz theres just not too many hustlers in the area. so i pretty confident about myself.
BUT turns out that i only got the EE pass. i felt kinda... disappointed for letting my hopes went too high. but i got over it quickly n didnt want it to ruin my day.
oh n there was also a live webcam session with the band when they were doing the rehearsal. me n echa oly watched for like 5 minutes i think n suddenly the connection got interrupted n we couldnt reconnect.
all i know after half an hour, the band was done rehearsing n everyone started to log out off the website. SHIT
oh well now im getting ready for PE. it starts in 12 minutes. im cooled off already. i need to keep reminding myself to be grateful cuz not everyone would get this kind of opportunity. for meeting the band, we could do it before or after the show for sure. i HOPE they wouldnt be that conceited. at least..
oh n i just bought another YOU ME AT SIX hoodie lol.
Posted by celboncel at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
YOU. ME. at 6. alrite?
people of the internet...
it is my duty here to update you all with the current event that just happened in my recent life.
last nite, oct 8th 09, a special yet fantastic event had occurred which called "AP Fall Ball tour". as you all might know, it is an around-the-USA tour with performers such as You Me At Six, The Secret Handshake, Set Your Goals, Mayday Parade and last but so not least, The Academy Is... unfortunately Set Your Goals couldnt make it last nite because something happened, so another local band from seattle called .... i don't know i forgot... lol came to the rescue. their type of music is nothing similar like YMA6 or TSH at all. it is more like a laid-back-chill-out-session type of music, which doesn't suit my personality at all. lol.
i didnt know that yma6 got to perform first. i thought theyre gonna perform the second or 3rd, but when i saw some familiar faces on the stage,i knew that was yma6. it's amazing the fact that ive just started listening to them a week ago n i know theyre music pretty well already. wow they must be inspired me a lot lol.
yma6 put on a great performance for us all n themselves. i enjoyed jumping and singing along. i went completely mad when they sang "save it for the bedroom", "kiss and tell", "finders keepers", n "poker face" lady gaga's cover. it was an amazing set after all n i couldnt wait to take some pics with them :D.
next performance was from the secret handshake. i never listened or knew them but some song that they played last nite were enjoyable. my fav part was when they sang one more song which happened to be the cover of miley cyrus' "party in the USA" hahahaha it was like cover nite or something? lol
another local indie band from seattle got to perform to cover for set your goals that supposed to be performing next. as i wrote before, their music was more laid-back than the other two previous bands. they have more 9 people in the band playing guitar, bass, keyboard, violin, two trumpets n drums. n of course a vocalist. wow. the stage looked full when they were on it. thank God they didnt play for long, after a half-hour i think? they wrapped themselves up n it was time for mayday to carry on.
mayday parade was wow, it looks like people were expecting them the most because they screamed and jumping n pushing the hardest i think during their set. honestly i didnt know any of their songs at all, i just knew one which is their single called jamie all over n they played it as the opener so after that i just stood still n tried to enjoy the show. of course boredom occurred so i spent it by taking pics with my friends with mayday n the crowd as the background hahaha.
so mayday was over n it was time for TAI to come out. i had to admit that william beckett looks better with short hair. i mean have u seen him with long hair? he looks like a girl cuz he's slim n slender too so it compliments each other lol. again, i didnt know any of TAI's songs except for their singles like "everything we had", " about a girl", n "summer hair = forever young". they didnt play everything we had but they did play about a girl n summer hair. we went crazy on on those 2 songs. the rest, we just again stood still waiting for another expectations. my fav part was when will spontaneously stage dived but he went back to the stage too quick so i couldnt reach myself to him shoot lol.
so the show was over but we wanted to buy some merchs n as my friends went to the atm to get some cash, i ran over to their merch stand n bought a you me at six tshirt with the tour dates on the back. i saw the lead singer from THS wass there n i asked for some pics with him after my friends came to the stand. we went outside n i saw many people were on the sidewalks cuz the band members were there for autograph signing or pictures stuff. i was looking for josh franceschi, lead singer of yma6 but i got pics with mayday parade n adam siska from TAI instead lol. it was a coincidence when i was looking for josh, one the tour bus opened n there he came from inside. i asked him straight away for some pics n autographs. he's so lovely. i asked for pics like 2-3 times n he still didnt get bored haha.
my next target would be max, the guitarist but i couldnt find him anywhere so i was looking for will beckett cuz it seems that he's the most targeted by everyone that was there i think. again, couldnt find him anywhere so i went back to where my other friends were n they told me that yma6 was on the other van which was located nearby the place that we were standing one. i ran to the van n YES i saw josh talking to some of the fans n MAX playing
i called him out for pics n he happily jumped from the van n took pics with me. he was so so nice and adorable cuz after i asked for autographs, he asked me questions like "did u enjoy the show?" n all n we ended up chatting with each other for quite some minutes (10-15 minutes i think :D). what melt me down was when he suddenly said "im max btw" n shook my hand. i was like "i know who u are" but he is so down to earth n acts like normal people. n of course i introduced myself n he said something about proper introduction lol.
we spent 10 minutes talking about his and the band's age, tour dates, n of course, FOOTBALL. i think the easiest topic to talk about with british people is about football. he used to play n was a striker but he enjoys music more. i like him a lot he is a fun guy to talk with n he often asked about how i enjoyed the show n all. n i told him that i saw them playing on warped but i didnt know they was before but when i heard that theyre coming to seattle n they sound familiar, i started to listen to their music n i love it so much n he was like "thats tight, "thats sick" with his lovely hand flipping gestures which idk how to describe it lol.
i love our conversation esp about football thing. i told him that at least he's not a man u supporter n he said so too. he dislikes man u so bad cuz they won all the time n the funny part was when he said that dan the drummer is a man u fans n he called him n he pointed at us saying "man u hater" ahahaha n dan was like whatever or something ;D
he was playing
still waiting for max, i asked josh if he watch football or not n of course the answer is yes. but same as max, he supports arsenal n again we talked about football n he was surprised that told him chelsea beat liverpool on a 2-0 win :D.
unfortunately, my friend told me that our ride is here n so we need to stop this convo n josh hugged me goodbye n i said bye to max as well but before that i asked for one more pic n of course he agreed :D. we hugged goodbye n i told him "see u in spring?" n he replied "definitely!" n after than i shouted "CHELSEA" n he was like "ARSENAL" :DDD
that night, i couldnt stop smiling by myself. im so happy to can actually hang with them. esp max cuz he's so easygoing. i was in love with josh but cuz i chatted with max the most, he became my 1st priority now :D
i seriously cant wait for their spring tour n next year's warped. they're going to be there so im pretty sure im going to be at their booth all the time hahaa. wish all rockstars are just as friendly as him/them. i love british people :D
other pics, check it on my facebook
Posted by celboncel at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
the BLUES pride
last night, i hung out with jenna at kent station. it was unprepared cuz we kinda decided it at the very last minute. we were even planning to go to downtown instead lol but we changed our minds.
so off we went to kent station, it was hella windy n i only wore the not-so-full length jacket so def i needed to buy one. we looked around at pacsun n i saw these skinnies that im really interested in. i didnt play to buy one, i was just looking at it n somehow i tried em on, it fit, n somehow i ended up on the cashier with my BCA card lol.
me n jenna went into another store, this time is zumiez. still looking for a hoodie. well that was jenna's temptation but again i ended up buyin one. i saw one GK shirt, the pink flying pig one. n as i turned my back, again i saw another GK shirts n i was like im in heaven!!! n the heaven was finally here when i saw a purple GK hoodie with the design like this:
i saw the price and it's like $51-ish. i still wanted to buy it then jenna pointed another jacket that really caught my eyes like really. it was the same jacket that bella wore in the movie twilight.
seriously i would buy that jacket if only they have bigger size than they had yesterday. i only need an L but they only had up till M. too bad so sad i bought the GK hoodie instead.
that night i spent a lot. i spent too much actually. my card even got declined at zumiez. i told my mom n she said that BCA called to confirm several payments/purchases. we went to panera bread n chilled there.
after last night, i made a promise to myself to not use my debit/credit card for this whole upcoming week. i should prepare/bring something from home. i need to stop spending. it's still the first week of the month n i spent like $100 already jeeez.
i gotta stop this consuming habit. now that ive got my skinnies n hoodie, i need no more. stop stop stop!!!!
kinda regret it cuz i didnt wake up to watch the match. i set my alarm already n i did wake up.. but i went back to sleep. oh well, nico anelka n flo malouda were the life saviour. oh n so was HILARIO. yes he was the goalie cuz cech was red-carded last week. EVERYONE PRAISED HIM.
kinda disappointed tho since lampsy didnt play to his fullest. but i do still love him hahaha.
oh n i found some other reasons why I LOVE FRANK LAMPARD:



Posted by celboncel at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: bella swan, glamour kills, hoodie, kent station, skinny jeans